Janek Ambros is an American film director, screenwriter, and film producer. He's also the founder and CEO to Assembly Line Entertainment, a film production company. His most notable film as a director is the documentary Imminent Threat, which he also wrote, edited, and produced with Academy Award nominee James Cromwell. The film was released in late 2015 and he received the Best Editing Award at the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival. His most notable film as producer is Ten Thousand Saints, starring Hailee Steinfeld and Ethan Hawke. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2015.
Молодому сценаристу очень непросто прорваться в мир большого кино. Его там никто особо не ждет, и чтобы пробиться наверх, придется сильно попотеть. А в помощь молодому сценаристу всегда найдется вышедший в тираж бывалый сценарист.