Анна Биллер

Anna Biller

режиссер художник монтаж сценарист композитор продюсер
Anna Biller is an independent American filmmaker. She is known for her visual style, and for her use of period genres and satire. Her 2007 sexploitation feature film Viva premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, and won the Best of Fest Award at the Boston Underground Film Festival. The film was also entered into the main competition at the 29th Moscow International Film Festival. Reason magazine called Viva an "uncannily precise rendition of the look, sound, mood, and arch dialogue" of seventies sexploitation films, with "high-key, pseudo-Technicolor lighting and spare, colorful set design." Biller's work follows in the tradition of the few women to work in the sexploitation genre, along with Doris Wishman and Stephanie Rothman.
Ведьма любви / The Love Witch (2016)


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В некоем странном мире, стилизованном под Америку 60-х годов, молодая ведьма очень хочет любить и быть любимой. А для этого все средства хороши. Она выбирает самых отборных самцов и использует всё свои заговоры и женские штучки, чтобы приворожить...

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