Аугусто Мартелли

Augusto Martelli


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Augusto Martelli was an Italian composer, conductor, arranger and television personality. Born in Genoa, the son of conductor and composer Giordano Bruno Martelli, Martelli is probably best known for the song Djamballà, theme song of the 1970 film Il dio serpente, which reached the first position in the Italian hit parade. He is also well known for having had a sentimental engagement with the singer Mina, with whom he also collaborated as a composer and an arranger and with whom he co-founded the recording company PDU. After having been conductor in a number of RAI variety shows, starting from late seventies Martelli was also host of a number of TV programs, mainly for Canale 5. He also composed songs and scores for a large number of Fininvest TV programs.
Змеиный бог / Il dio serpente (1970)


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Отдыхая с мужем на Карибских островах, итальянка Паола находит себе подругу — негритянку Стеллу, которая знакомит её с обычаями и верованиями местных жителей. Увлечённая рассказами о вуду и мифическом змеином боге Джамбалле, Паола начинает всё...

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