Билл Шайн


Дата рождения:

Wilfred William Dennis Shine was a British theatre, film and television actor. Shine was born into a family of theatre actors; among others, Shine's father, mother, grandmother, two uncles and an aunt had worked in theatre. His father Wilfred Shine was a theatre actor who also appeared in films during the 1920s and the 1930s. Bill Shine made his film debut in 1929's The Flying Scotsman since which he had appeared in over 120 films and television series. Towards the end of his career, he was best known for playing Inventor Black, a character on children's television series Supergran.
Под знаком Козерога / Under Capricorn (1949)


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Австралия, 19 век. Сэм, отсидевший срок за убийство, возвращается домой, к своей жене и пытается начать новую жизнь. Сэм усердно работает и вскоре становится богатым, но общество его не принимает — у Сэма небезупречное прошлое. Их гость Чарльз...

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