Билл Свитзер


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William Ashton Bill Switzer is an American-born Canadian actor. He is perhaps best known for his work on the animated television series Mummies Alive!. He has also played roles in Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension and Sabrina, the Animated Series. While he has voiced several roles in anime, he was also Philthy from MythQuest and the voice of Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina, the Animated Series and Sam Cannonball Guthrie from X-Men: Evolution. He also voiced Billy's former friend Nick in the second season of Billy the Cat which he took over from Lee Tockar who also wrote one episode of the show.
Тайна мистера Райза / Mr. Rice's Secret (2000)


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Чтобы не бояться смерти, надо полюбить жизнь. Кто знает это лучше, чем загадочный мистер Райз? Тайна с большой буквы любит скрываться в тихих, сонных городках. Хранителями ее становятся, как правило, неприметные, заурядные, на первый взгляд, люди....

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