Брайан Рут


Дата рождения:

Brian Routh is a performance/sound artist born 9 March 1948 in Gateshead, County Durham, United Kingdom. He is known for his performance work with Martin von Haselberg as one of The Kipper Kids who became notorious for their rowdy and rebellious performances in the art world; influencing the punk movement and the inspiration for such acts as Blue Man Group, Karen Finley and Paul McCarthy. The Kipper Kids performed throughout Europe, North Africa, United Kingdom, North America and Canada. They also worked on a number of projects for HBO and Cinemax as well as cameos in various movies. In addition to the Kipper Kids, Brian has performed as a solo act and collaborated with other performers and artists. He currently produces sound art which consists of video performance and sound works that have been featured in museums, galleries, television and on radio.
Смертельный поединок / Superfights (1995)


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Когда юный мастер боевых искусств Джек предотвращает ограбление местного банка, его героический поступок попадает в выпуск телевизионных новостей. Неожиданно для самого себя Джек становится знаменитостью. Руководители организации «Супербойцы»,...

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