Брэндон Квинтин Адамс


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Brandon Quintin Adams is an American actor, known for having played Jesse Hall in the first two Mighty Ducks movies and Kenny DeNunez in The Sandlot. Adams has also appeared in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Martin, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker where he played Zeke in the "Smooth Criminal" segment and Young Michael in the "Badder" segment, a parody of Jackson's classic video for "Bad", and was the leading actor in Wes Craven's The People Under the Stairs. He also provided the voice of Raijin in Kingdom Hearts II. Adams is also a rapper, performing under the name B. Lee.
Площадка / The Sandlot (1993)


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Летом 1962 года после окончания 5-го класса мальчик Скотти вместе с матерью переезжает в другой штат к отчиму Биллу. Все друзья остались за тысячу километров, поэтому, естественно, нужно подружиться с местными ребятами, и, благо, есть повод: целыми...

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