Чарли Риндресс


Дата рождения:

Charlie Rhindress is an actor, playwright and director living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born in Amherst, Nova Scotia and educated at Mount Allison University, he is a co-founder and former Artistic Director of Live Bait Theatre, based in Sackville, New Brunswick. To date, Rhindress has written 13 full-length plays, including The Maritime Way of Life, which was nominated for a Canadian Comedy award as best new play, and Flying On Her Own, based on the life of the late Canadian singer/songwriter, Rita MacNeil. It was published by Playwrights Canada Press in 2008. He has also written or co-written more than 30 dinner theatre scripts and two plays for teens.
Красный бродяга / Red Rover (2003)


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История о брате Уильяме и сестре Кайли Логан, которые после неожиданной смерти отца получают в наследство Викторианский особняк в рыбацкой деревне на берегу далекого острова. В пятилетнем возрасте Кайли стала свидетельницей смерти матери во время...

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