Чарльз Херберт

Charles Herbert


Дата рождения:

Charles Herbert Saperstein, known as Charles Herbert, was an American child actor of the 1950s and 1960s. Before reaching his teens, Herbert was renowned by a generation of moviegoers for an on-screen broody, mature style and wit that enabled him to go one-on-one with some of the biggest names in the industry, and his appearances in a handful of films in the sci-fi/horror genre garnered him an immortality there. In six years he appeared in twenty Hollywood features.
Мальчик и пираты / The Boy and the Pirates (1960)


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Мальчик по имени Джимми живёт с родителями на побережье в Массачусетсе. Он далеко не в восторге от современной жизни с её обязанностями перед родителями. Однажды, играя на побережье возле старого судна, Джимми находит старинную флягу и мечтает...

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