James F. Hawkins, known as Jimmy Hawkins, and later, Jim Hawkins, is an American actor and film producer whose career began as a child actor to such Hollywood stars as Lana Turner, Spencer Tracy, James Stewart, and Donna Reed. His acting career spans the time frame from 1944–1974, after which he devoted his energies to the production of films and later to his construction/contracting business. Hawkins had starring roles in several television series: The Ruggles, Annie Oakley, The Donna Reed Show, and Petticoat Junction. He also had recurring roles as a friend of the Nelson brothers on ABC's The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and as Jonathan Baylor on CBS's Ichabod and Me sitcom with Robert Sterling and George Chandler in the 1961–1962 season. He guest starred in many other programs during his childhood and young adult years, such as the CBS sitcom, Dennis the Menace.