Джордж Роуби

Sir George Edward Wade, CBE, known professionally as George Robey, was an English comedian, singer and actor in musical theatre, who became known as one of the greatest music hall performers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As a comedian, Robey mixed everyday situations and observations with comic absurdity. Apart from his music hall acts, he was a popular Christmas pantomime performer in the English provinces, where he excelled in the dame roles. He scored notable successes in musical revues during and after the First World War, particularly with the song If You Were the Only Girl , which he performed with Violet Loraine in the revue The Bing Boys Are Here. One of his best-known original characters in his six-decade long career was the Prime Minister of Mirth.
Король Генрих V / The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fift with His Battell Fought at Agincour (1944)


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Снятая в самом разгаре второй мировой войны, эта прекрасная экранизация классического произведения Шекспира о победе над превосходящими силами врагов вселяла надежду, звала в бой британцев, которые увидели фильм в 1944 году. Фильм начинается с...

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