Эдди Тэгоу

Eddie Tagoe

Eddie Tagoe is a Ghanaian actor best known in the U.K. for playing Presuming Ed in the 1987 film production of Withnail and I, a role which he resumed in 2000 in a stage production of the same work. Internationally, he may be better recognized for his brief appearance in the 1981 hit movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Billed only as the Messenger Pirate, his character was sent to find Indiana Jones in advance of Nazis boarding the ship on which Jones was travelling. Initially unable to find Jones, he was instructed by the captain to look again, and immediately replied, I found him!, pointing to Jones swimming to the Nazi submarine. Tagoe had a significantly larger part as Chocolate Mousse in the 1984 farce, Top Secret!, and appeared in various other roles such as Sgt. Gwambe in Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend, as well as in Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?, The Dogs of War, Pink Floyd The Wall and Spaghetti House.
Динозавр: Тайна затерянного мира / Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985)


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Семья палеонтологов обнаружила в Африке самку и детеныша бронтозавра — последних из давно исчезнувших с планеты земля динозавров. Теперь перед ними встала задача спасти животных от жестоких охотников.

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