Эли Атти

Eli Attie is a writer, producer, and former political operative. He served as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton, and then as Vice President Al Gore's chief White House and campaign speechwriter through Gore's concession of the 2000 presidential election, which Attie and Gore wrote together. Attie was a longtime writer on both the NBC-TV series The West Wing and the Fox-TV series House.
Бэкстром / Backstrom (2015)


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Детектив Эверет Бекстром обладает скверным характером и находится во власти дурных привычек. Он обидчив, вспыльчив, ленив, злоупотребляет спиртным и предвзято относится к миру. Эгоистичный детектив испытывает нежность к своим рыбкам и бутылке...

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