Fred Santley, also known variously as Freddie Santley, Fredric Santley, Frederick Santley, Frederic Santley, and Fredric M. Santley, was an American character actor of the silent and sound film eras, as well as an actor on the Broadway stage. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 20, 1887, as Frederic Mansfield, the son of Laurene Santley, and the stepson of stage actor Eugene Santley. He was the brother of filmmaker and stage actor Joseph Santley, both of whom adopted the surname of their stepfather as their stage name. He would make his acting debut in a 1907 short, Pony Express, and would continue to make shorts throughout the 1910s and 1920s. In addition, he would appear in numerous plays during this period, including more than a dozen Broadway productions.
Ева Лавлейс, желающая стать актрисой, приехала в Нью-Йорк из маленького городка штата Вермонт, имея при себе только письмо от Бернарда Шоу, в котором он пророчит ей большое будущее. Она пытается попасть на нью-йоркскую сцену театра и при этом...