Гай Болтон

Guy Bolton


Дата рождения:

Guy Reginald Bolton was an Anglo-American playwright and writer of musical comedies. Born in England and educated in France and the US, he trained as an architect but turned to writing. Bolton preferred working in collaboration with others, principally the English writers P. G. Wodehouse and Fred Thompson, with whom he wrote 21 and 14 shows respectively, and the American playwright George Middleton, with whom he wrote ten shows. Among his other collaborators in Britain were George Grossmith Jr., Ian Hay and Weston and Lee. In the US, he worked with George and Ira Gershwin, Kalmar and Ruby and Oscar Hammerstein II.
Трагедия в комнате / The Woman in Room 13 (2003)


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Три года назад, Пинг стала свидетельницей, как ее муж изнасиловал ее сестру. В состоянии аффекта она убивает его. Пинг приговаривают к тюремному заключению. После освобождения, Пинг остается на старом складе. Яу Нам, сестра Пинг, становится...

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