Жан-Клод Тибо

Jean-Claude Thibaut


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Jean-Claude Thibaut is a French filmmaker, visual artist, and producer, known for his bold and dark stylish films. Thibaut, as a filmmaker, explores and defines his particular fascination with men and women, but also examines his wider response to people, places, history and situations. His style combines chic seduction with sexual shock-tactics, embracing twists on traditional glamour frequently portrayed in his portraits of beautiful, talented and notorious public figures.
Барракуда / Barracuda (1997)


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Одинокий старик обманом заманивает соседского парня в свою квартиру и держит взаперти, пытаясь насильно сделать своим «другом». «Гостеприимство» обезумевшего хозяина может стоить жизни его гостю.

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