Ганнс Шварц

Hanns Schwarz was an Austrian film director. He was born in Vienna on 11 February 1888. He directed twenty four films between 1924 and 1937 in both English and German. During the late silent and early sound eras he was a leading director at the German giant studio UFA. In the early 1930s he worked on several Multiple-language version films for UFA, producing the same film in distinct German and foreign-language versions. Schwarz was Jewish and was therefore forced to leave Germany in 1933 when the Nazis took over, going into exile in Britain. His last film was the 1937 British thriller Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel. He died in California on 27 October 1945.
Бомбы на Монте-Карло / Bomben auf Monte Carlo (1931)


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Командующий военным крейсером её величества королевы Понтенеро "Персемон" капитан Креддок получает приказ отправиться вместе с королевой на увеселительную прогулку по Средиземному морю. Но, поскольку вся команда крейсера уже несколько месяцев из-за...

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