Грант Гудив

Grant Goodeve


Дата рождения:

Grant Goodeve is an American actor and television host. He is best known for playing the role of David Bradford, the oldest son, on Eight Is Enough, from 1977 to 1981. He sang the theme song for the show as well. More recent work includes Home & Garden Television and voice roles, such as the Engineer in the multiplayer video game Team Fortress 2 and Wolf O'Donnell in Star Fox: Assault. He is also the voice actor for Barik in the Team Fortress 2 Voice Pack for the multiplayer video game Paladins.
Водительские права / License to Drive (1988)


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Стандартная, но очень смешная молодежная комедия о шестнадцатилетнем парне, (Хайм) который скрывает от всех, а главное, от своей девушки, что никак не может сдать экзамены на вождение автомобилем. А ведь завоевать сердце без автомобиля в Америке...

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