Ханна Вербум

Hanna Verboom

Hanna Verboom is a Dutch actress. Born in Belgium, she spent her early childhood in the African nations of Kenya and Sudan. After moving to the Netherlands, Verboom worked as a model and won the Dutch Elite Model Look 2003. She also majored in economics and philosophy, and minored in film science at the Amsterdam University, where she joined the Amsterdam student theater group and convincingly showed her talent for acting in several plays with the production company.
Бенни Стаут / Bennie Stout (2011)


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Все дети с нетерпением ждут празднования Рождества. Синт-Николас (голландский Дед Мороз) везет для них подарки из Испании. Бенни Стаут, бесстрашный и озорной мальчик, мечтает получить в подарок блестящий новый автомобиль с педалью, который он видел...

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