Кари НГ

Kary Ng is a pop rock singer in Hong Kong. When she debuted, she had been a member of a music group, Cookies; however, the members of Cookies were eventually arranged to explore their respective solo careers in 2005, and the group is now disbanded. She had temporarily been the lead vocals of rock band Ping Pung in 2004, but Ping Pung had also disbanded after only releasing one album that same year. Commencing in 2005, Ng had officially begun developing her career as a solo artist.
Не забывай меня / Do Not Forget Me Istanbul (2010)


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Лам И - сирота, воспитанная в приюте. Она не помнит ни своего имени, ни своего прошлого, но помнит доброту воспитавших ее людей. У нее две мечты: семья и свой ребенок, которому она хочет дать имя сама, поому что имя - это жизнь, индивидуальность и...

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