Кенни Бауманн


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Kenneth Robert Tuff Ken Baumann is an American writer, publisher, and book designer. For ten years, he worked in theater, film, and television, becoming most known for playing Ben Boykewich on The Secret Life of the American Teenager. He is the author of the novels Solip and Say, Cut, Map, the nonfiction book EarthBound, as well as various essays, short stories, and poems. He owns and operates Sator Press, a 501 nonprofit publishing company, is the series designer for Boss Fight Books, and co-published No Colony, a literary journal, with Blake Butler. He is a co-founder of the iOS app Sweetspot, and an angel investor in the learning platform Memrise. He currently attends St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Коттедж / The Cottage (2012)


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Счастливая молодая семья с двумя маленькими дочками. Живут в чудесном доме, в саду которого находится гостевой домик. Все идет прекрасно, пока у них не возникают проблемы с деньгами. Они решают сдавать гостевой домик. Жилец находится быстро — им...

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