Коллин Клиффорд

Colleen Clifford

Irene Margaret Clifford, professionally known as Colleen Clifford, was a British-born performer, in radio, stage, television and film as an actress, dancer, comedian, theatre director and producer and singer and classical pianist who was a specialist in voice production, drama and music. In a career spanning nearly eight decades, she was one of the most popular actresses in both England and Australia particular in theatre and a grand dame and matriarch of the entertainment profession and performing arts.
Мошенники / Frauds (1993)


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Oднажды Бет Уитс в своем доме застала грабителя. Испугавшись до смерти и вдоволь наоравшись, она выстрелила в него из арбалета и не промахнулась. «Ты что, Бет? Шуток не понимаешь?» - прохрипел преступник, оказавшийся близким другом ее мужа, и умер....

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