Ламберто Кайми


Дата рождения:

Lamberto Caimi is an Italian cinematographer. Born in Milan, Caimi began his career in the field of documentary filmmaking industry; in 1955 he joined the film department of the company Edison, where he met Ermanno Olmi, for which he was the cinematographer in some dozens of short documentary films shot between the second half of the fifties and the early sixties. In 1961 he signed the cinematography of the first real feature film of Olmi, Il Posto, for which he realized a rough and essential black and white, which was paired by critics to the Nouvelle Vague style.
Я буду ей отцом / Le farò da padre (1974)


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Саверио Мицуаколли — молодой римский адвокат хочет построить в Салерно туристический комплекс. Идей и связей у него достаточно, но отсутствуют средства. Зато денег много у проживающей здесь знатной синьоры, графини Раймонде, на которую Саверио...

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