Лираз Чархи

Liraz Charhi is an Israeli actress, singer and dancer of Iranian descent, living in the United States. She began singing and performing at the age of 5, and began as stage actress at the Habima National Theatre, where she worked professionally from 11 to 14, and then studied at the Beit Zvi Stage Arts School. She appeared in the Israeli TV series Ha-Masa'it in 2002 and gained further attention after a nomination by the Israeli Film Academy for her role in the 2004 film Turn Left at the End of the World. She was invited to the Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles in 2006 after which she broke into Hollywood. Charhi has since become known for her roles in the French mini TV series Revivre, and the films, Fair Game and A Late Quartet in which she played the jogger and flamenco dancing girlfriend of Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Прощальный квартет / A Late Quartet (2012)


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История знаменитого на весь мир квартета, который празднует 25-тилетнюю годовщину.
Поворот налево в конце света / Sof Ha'Olam Smola (2004)


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1969 год. В небольшое израильское поселение, затерянное в пустыне, в поисках счастья и благополучия перебирается семья индийских евреев — и испытывает культурный шок. Местные жители — марокканские эмигранты — отнюдь не настроены на диалог, да и...

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