Лиза Лукас

Lisa Lucas is a former child actress best known for her role as Addie Mills in the Emmy-winning Christmas television special, The House Without a Christmas Tree. It first aired on CBS-TV in December 1972, spawned three holiday-based sequels from 1973–1976 with the same cast, The Thanksgiving Treasure, The Easter Promise and Addie and The King of Hearts. USA Today called A House Without a Christmas Tree beautifully acted and the Spartanburg Herald-Journal called it a Christmas treasure and said it was full of heartwarming moments, especially when Addie gives away the Christmas tree she wins, or finds the star belonging to her mother.
Незамужняя женщина / An Unmarried Woman (1978)


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Эрика вышла замуж молоденькой девушкой сразу после окончания школы и жила счастливо двадцать лет. По мнению друзей у нее было все, о чем можно только мечтать: любимый муж Мартин, дом в престижном районе Нью-Йорка, чудесная дочка Пэтти, работа в...

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