Лоуренс Тримбл

Laurence Norwood Trimble was an American silent film director, writer and actor. Trimble began his film career directing Jean, the Vitagraph Dog, the first canine to have a leading role in motion pictures. He made his acting debut in the 1910 silent Saved by the Flag, directed scores of films for Vitagraph and other studios, and became head of production for Florence Turner's independent film company in England. Trimble was most widely known for his four films starring Strongheart, a German Shepherd dog he discovered and trained that became the first major canine film star. After he left filmmaking he trained animals exclusively, particularly guide dogs for the blind.
Бланш / Blanche (1971)


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Картина навеяна мотивами пьесы классика польской литературы Юлиуша Словацкого — «Мазепа». Действие фильма происходит в XIII веке. В старинный замок на бал прибывает монарх со своей свитой. Интрига завязывается вокруг красавицы Бланш, которая замужем...

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