Майк Кокрейн

Mike Cochrane

Mike Cochrane is a musician and an actor. Cochrane played in bands such as Train, Shango and many other bands in the 1970s. Mike's band Train was the House Band at Gazzarris on the Sunset Strip from 1971 through 1972. This is where Mike met Edward James Olmos and Rick Vito, who were in a band called The Pacific Ocean. Mike also played on many recording sessions for Warner Bros. in the 70s and also played with Tim Bogert and Mickey McMeel in a power treo for a while. Mike also did his first acting job as a second engineer in the movie The Rose with Bette Midler and Alan Bates.
Любовь начинается / Love Begins (2011)


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Юношеские мечты Кларка Дэвиса увидеть мир, поставлены под угрозу, после того как Кларк со своим другом затеял драку и разгромил поместное кафе. Милли, владелец кафе подает иск. Шериф в счет наказания отсылает Кларка в поместье сестер Барлоу,...

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