Манохар Сингх

Manohar Singh

Manohar Singh was a distinguished Indian theatre actor-director and a character actor in Hindi films. He is best known for his performances in films such as Party and Daddy. Starting his acting career from theatre, he went on to become a theatre director and later the chief of National School of Drama Repertory Company, 1976 to 1988, before switching to cinema. As a theatre actor his most known performances were in Tughlaq directed by Ebrahim Alkazi, Himmat Mai and Begum Barve by Nissar and Amal Allana.
Чандни / Chandni (1989)


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Красавица Чандни и сын богача Рохит влюбляются друг в друга, но перед свадьбой Рохит становится инвалидом. Он прогоняет Чандни, не желая быть ей обузой. Она уезжает в другой город, где знакомится с богатым вдовцом Лалитом. Когда Чандни соглашается...

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