Мартин Кензи


Дата рождения:

Martin Kenzie was a British second unit director and cinematographer whose works include feature films such as The Shining, Return of the Jedi, Aliens, The King's Speech and TV series including Rome and Game of Thrones. He was a member of the British Society of Cinematographers as a Camera Operator and was later elected a Full Member of the Society with BSC accreditation in 2012. Kenzie was diagnosed with cancer and was being operated on with the help of Macmillan Cancer Support. He died on 16 July 2012 at the age of 56. The Game of Thrones season three premier episode, Valar Dohaeris, aired on 31 March 2013, was dedicated to the memory of Kenzie in the credits.
Джордж Харрисон: Жизнь в материальном мире / George Harrison: Living in the Material World (2011)


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Нарезка архивных материалов и интервью родных, близких, друзей и коллег Джорджа Харрисона. Фильм рассказывает историю его жизни и повествует о том, как духовные поиски стали важной ее частью.

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