Мэри Кеннеди

Mary Kennedy is an Irish writer, television personality and former newscaster. She presented Eurovision Song Contest 1995 from the Point Theatre in Dublin. She has also presented her own Saturday night chat show called Kennedy, a precursor to Saturday Night with Miriam. Kennedy was co-presenter of the magazine programme Open House with Marty Whelan. She has previously presented Up for the Match and the People of the Year Awards. She is now co-presenter of Nationwide with Anne Cassin, having been so for a time with Michael Ryan.
Синяя птица / The Blue Bird (1918)


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Дети лесоруба отправляются в волшебное путешествие, в котором они должны отыскать Синюю Птицу счастья. Птица поможет им спасти тяжело больную соседскую девочку. Фея дает путешественникам волшебную шапку — надев ее, каждый получает способность видеть...

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