Мэрилин Истман

Night of the Living Dead is a 1968 American independent horror film, directed by George A. Romero, starring Duane Jones and Judith O'Dea. It was completed on a $114,000 budget and premiered October 1, 1968. The film became a financial success, grossing $12 million domestically and $18 million internationally. It has been a cult classic ever since. Night of the Living Dead was heavily criticized at its release for its explicit gore. It eventually garnered critical acclaim and has been selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the National Film Registry, as a film deemed culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.
Финес и Ферб: Ночь живых аптекарей / Phineas and Ferb: Night of The Living Pharmacists (2014)


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Hа этот раз злодей Фуфелшмерц заходит слишком далеко! Под покровом ночи городок наводняют зомби, похожие на коварного доктора, как две капли воды. Каждый, кто прикасается к монстру в аптекарском халате, моментально превращается в его клона!...

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