Микаела Неварес

Micaela Nevárez is a Puerto Rican actress who has appeared in independent and European films. She made her film debut in the Spanish film Princesas which was directed by Fernando León de Aranoa, in which she played Zulema, an illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic trying to make a living as a prostitute on the streets of Madrid, Spain. Her performance in this film earned her a Goya Award for Best New Actress in 2006, making her the first Puerto Rican actress to win this notable award.
Принцессы / Princesas (2005)


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Речь в фильме идет о дружбе двух жриц любви на фоне жизни современного города. Актрисы Кандела Пенья и Микаэла Неварес играют главные роли в этой истории двух женщин, двух проституток, двух принцесс. Кайе — тридцатилетняя женщина с челочкой, словно...

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