Мина Шум

Mina Shum is an independent Canadian filmmaker. She is a writer and director of award-winning feature films, numerous shorts and has created site specific installations and theatre. Her features, Double Happiness and Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity both premiered in the US at the Sundance Film Festival and Double Happiness won the Wolfgang Staudte Prize for Best First Feature at the Berlin Film Festival and the Audience Award at Torino. She was director resident at the Canadian Film Centre in Toronto. She was also a member of an alternative rock band called Playdoh Republic.
Охи - вздохи / Exes & Ohs (2006)


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В сериале рассказывается о романтических похождениях Дженнифер (в ее роли Мишель Парадайз) и подруг-лесбиянок (а также и друзей-геев) в суетливом Сиэтле. Одну из подруг - лесбиянку, пытающаяся стать рок-звездой, сыграла актриса-лесбиянка Хизер...

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