Монека Стори

Moneca Stori is a former Canadian voice actress known mostly for her role as the original voice of Kagome Higurashi in the English version of Inuyasha, aside from the lead role of Laura Haruna from the long running Hamtaro series. She began her career performing for thousands of children in theater for young audience productions and was also seen in the Vancouver TheatreSports' Jessie Award-winning production of Free Willy Shakespeare. Moneca is currently retired as an actress.
Ограбление / Stark Raving Mad (2002)


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В маленьком американском городке появился незнакомец. В придорожном баре он познакомился с милой женщиной Натали Райт, работавшей медсестрой в больнице, представился Джоном Паркером, провел с ней ночь, а на следующий день появился у нее на работе с...

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