Ник Магнус

Nick Magnus


Дата рождения:

Nick Magnus is a British keyboard player, songwriter, composer, arranger, engineer and producer. He is from the progressive school of keyboard players, mostly associated with instrumental and rock music. In 1978-1989 he played, extensively toured and recorded with ex-Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett and his flautist brother, John Hackett. He was a vital member of Steve Hackett's band, appearing, in total, on six Hackett studio albums released on Charisma Records and Lamborghini Records in 1979-1984. Magnus' contribution was especially considerable on the 1981 album Cured, which he co-produced, and on which he co-wrote one song, Funny Feeling, and also programmed the famous Linn LM-1 drum machine.
Кровавый новый год / Bloody New Year (1987)


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Во время празднования наступления 1959 года с вечеринки исчезает девушка, втянутая в зеркало своим собственным изображением. Проходит несколько десятилетий. Американка Кэрол приезжает в Англию. На ярмарке к ней пристают трое хулиганов. Но с помощью...

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