Нора Орланди

Nora Orlandi

Nora Orlandi is an Italian pianist, violinist, soprano vocalist, composer and occasional actress. As the first female film composer of Italian cinema, she composed scores for Spaghetti Westerns, Eurospy films and gialli throughout the 1960s and is best known for Dies Irae, a short piece she wrote and performed for Sergio Martino's The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh which was later reused in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume 2. Her younger sister is the singer-songwriter Paola Orlandi.
Нежные руки Деборы / Il dolce corpo di Deborah (1968)


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Марсель и Дебора-молодая супружеская пара, проводящая медовый месяц в Европе. Они решают отправиться в Женеву, где вырос Марсель. Там выясняется, что бывшая подруга Марселя, Сюзанна, покончила жизнь самоубийством от отчаяния, когда Марсель...

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