Рики Диллард


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Ricky Rydell Dillard is an American gospel musician. He started his music career, in 1991, with the release of, Promise, by Muscle Shoals Records. His second album, A Holy Ghost Take-Over, was released in 1993 by Malaco Records. The next album, Hallelujah, was released by them in 1995. Crystal Spring Records released, 1996's Work It Out, 2000's No Limit, and Unplugged in 2004. With EMI Gospel, he released, 7th Episode, that came out in 2007. He released, Keep Living, with Light Records in 2011. His next release, Amazing, came out in 2014 with Entertainment One Music.
Двадцати-пяти-борье / The Do-Deca-Pentathlon (2012)

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Джереми и Марк — родные братья, которые уже давно друг с другом не разговаривают. Причина — забава под названием «Двадцатипятиборье», которым они увлекались в юности. Братья соревновались между собой на своей собственной Олимпиаде, состоящей из 25-и...

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