Сэндер Шварц

Sander Schwartz


Дата рождения:

Sander Schwartz is an American Daytime Emmy award-winning producer of television animation. He was President of Warner Bros. Animation between 2001 and 2007, followed by President, International Productions of Sony Pictures Television between 2007 and 2009, and was President of FremantleMedia's Kids and Family Entertainment Division from 2009 through 2013. He is currently CEO of IPSP Global Financial Services LLC, the American arm of DengiOnline, the largest online electronics payments platform in Russia and the C.I.S., specializing in the distribution of video games for and micro-transactions within gaming for all platforms.
Лига справедливости: Новый барьер / Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)


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Действия мультфильма происходят в 1954 году. Отважные супергерои должны защитить планету не только от людского зла, но и Вселенского. На Землю надвигаются тысячи злых пришельцев. Супермен, Флэш, Зелёный Фонарь, Чудо-Женщина, Бэтмен и многие другие...

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