Сиддхартх Халдипур

Siddharth Haldipur

Siddharth Haldipur is part of the Sangeet-Siddharth music director duo. The duo has given music for prominent Hindi as well as Marathi movies. In their few years of music direction, the duo has composed hit songs for Murder 2, Blood Money, Aatma, Fruit & Nut, Bird Idol and Hum Hai Raahi Car Ke. Siddharth Haldipur started his foray into music with A Band of Boys and is also a trained violinist, pianist and dancer. He and Sangeet Haldipur are the sons of the famous composer Amar Haldipur, who has also been India's number one violinist in the past.
Дурман / Nasha (2013)


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О фильме: Группа подростков беззаботно проводят свое время в ожидании выпускных экзаменов. На летние каникулы дирекция школы приглашает Аниту, довольно привлекательную девушку, с целью основать драматический кружок и новая учительница мгновенно...

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