Юлиан Пельслер

Julian Roman Pölsler is an Austrian film director, theatre director, and screenwriter. Pölsler was born on the Kreuzberg mountain above the village of Sankt Lorenzen im Paltental in Styria, Austria. He studied film directing and production at the University of Music and Performing in Vienna. He also studied directing and dramaturgy at the Institute for Cultural Management in the Max Reinhardt Seminar, after which he worked as an assistant director to Axel Corti.
Стена / Die Wand (2012)


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В доме, затерянном в горах, женщина с грубо остриженными волосами, синевой вокруг глаз и скулами, обострившимися от месяцев скудной жизни и тяжелого физического труда, ведёт дневник — на оборотной стороне истлевших, потерявших смысл календарей, под...

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