Zygmunt Wiehler was a Polish popular and film music composer and director. Wiehler attended the Music Conservatory in Kraków. From 1907 he was connected professionally to many theaters in the country, and in the 1920s and 1930s, he was a musical manager and director in Warsaw cabarets. He prepared music to be presented under the theatrical director Leon Schiller. During 1935-39 he was the musical manager of Feliks Parnell's Ballet. At the dance festival during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin he shared in a medal for the Parnell Ballet. At the start of the occupation he played piano in Warsaw cafés, then directed in public theaters. After the war, he divided his time between Łódź and Warsaw theaters. At the end of the 1950s he turned to his own composing. He wrote nearly a thousand songs, of which many became hits. He is buried in Powązki Cemetery.
Краевский, банковский служащий, влюбляется в красивую девушку Франю. Франя отвечает на его чувства. Но Краевский не знает, что любимая скрывает от него одну тайну.
Очень милая, душещипательная мелодрама. Ян Монкевич - врач, который основал и окружил заботой сиротский приют в небольшом городке. Однажды он знакомится со звездою столичного театра Леной Мервиньской и, несмотря на сомнения, уезжает с ней в Варшаву...