Бэрри Хансен

Barry Hansen


Дата рождения:

Barret Eugene Barry Hansen, better known as Dr. Demento, is an American radio broadcaster and record collector specializing in novelty songs, comedy, and strange or unusual recordings dating from the early days of phonograph records to the present. Hansen created the Demento persona in 1970 while working at Los Angeles station KPPC-FM. He played Transfusion by Nervous Norvus on the radio, and DJ The Obscene Steven Clean said that Hansen had to be demented to play it and the name stuck. His weekly show went into syndication in 1974 and was syndicated by the Westwood One Radio Network from 1978 to 1992. Broadcast syndication of the show ended on June 6, 2010, but the show continues to be produced weekly in an online version.

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