Дебора Нэдулмэн

Deborah Nadoolman Landis is an American author, historian, professor, and costume designer. She has worked on notable films such as Animal House, The Blues Brothers, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Three Amigos, all of which credited her as Deborah Nadoolman. Landis served two terms as president of the Costume Designers Guild of which she has been a member for more than thirty years. She is married to director John Landis; their son is screenwriter Max Landis.
Оборотень в погонах (2012)


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Самые сложные, опасные и загадочные преступления, распутать которые, кажется, не под силу обычному человеку, поручают капитану Рыкову. Его острый ум, многолетний опыт, здоровый цинизм и молниеносная реакция не только способствуют высокой...
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