Дж.Дж. Херцлер


Дата рождения:

John Garman J. G. Hertzler Jr. is an American actor, author, screenwriter, and activist best known in the Star Trek community for his role on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as the Klingon General Martok. Having worked in the theatre, Hertzler guest starred in a few episodes for different television shows before landing the part of Alcalde Ignacio De Soto in the early 1990s show Zorro which was broadcast on The Family Channel. He initially participated in the DS9 series premiere as a Vulcan captain, and as Martok in its fourth-season finale. Although Martok was killed off in fifth season opener, it was revealed to be an imposter, and the real Martok became a recurring character in the fifth season and stayed through the series finale. In addition to DS9, Hertzler has participated in several other Star Trek shows, written two Star Trek novels, and has made appearances at Star Trek and science fiction conventions. Hertzler lives in the Finger Lakes region of New York where he was a lecturer at Cornell's theater department, and has been active in the area's regional politics, as well as writing a screenplay.

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