Джейсон Доттли


Дата рождения:

Jason Dottley is an American television and stage actor, recording artist, director and producer. Dottley was married to American film director, producer, television writer and playwright, Del Shores October 26, 2003. The couple divorced in 2013. Their divorce caused shockwaves through the gay community. After his divorce from Del Shores, Dottley dated famed Israeli journalist and anchor for Logo TV CBS News and most currently The Wrap Itay Hod about whom he wrote his record It's Our Night. For the most part of 2012 through 2014, he focused on taking care of his ailing grandmother at her home in Florida until she died July 6, 2014.
Убогая жизнь / Sordid Lives: The Series (2008)


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Главный герой сериала — начинающий актер — считает свою жизнь по-настоящему убогой, о чем постоянно твердит своему играющему в тамагочи психоаналитику. Хотя, если вдуматься, жизнь Тая больше похожа на цирковое шоу или аттракцион. Начать хотя бы с...

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