Джейсон Лестер

Jason Lester

Jason Lester is a professional poker player who has also lived in New York City and Los Angeles. He currently resides in Miami, FL. He is also an exceptional backgammon player and has won many tournaments in the past, but now he focuses on poker. He finished in 4th place at the 2003 World Series of Poker, the year Chris Moneymaker won the event. Lester was also involved in the film Lucky You, starring Robert Duvall, Eric Bana, and Drew Barrymore, in which he played himself, among other poker stars.
Предательство / Baghban (2003)


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Роковая красавица и смертельно опасный киллер Джейн спасается от преследования с миллионом кровавых долларов, украденных у босса мафии.Воспользовавшись шансом, она уезжает из города вместе с Эмили и ее сыном Керри, не подозревая, что Керри тоже в...

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