Джон Ширли

John Shirley

монтаж сценарист

Дата рождения:

John Shirley is an American writer, primarily of fantasy, science fiction, dark street fiction, and songwriting. He has also written one historical novel, a western about Wyatt Earp, Wyatt in Wichita, and one non-fiction book, Gurdjieff: An Introduction to His Life and Ideas. Shirley has written novels, short stories, TV scripts and screenplays—including The Crow and has published over 40 books and 8 short-story collections. As a musician, Shirley has fronted his own bands and written lyrics for Blue Öyster Cult and others. An extensive compilation of songs by John Shirley, Broken Mirror Glass was released by Black October Records. His most recent album is Spaceship Landing in a Cemetery, a collaboration with prog rocker Jerry King, aided by a host of musicians. He has written about spirituality for Parabola Magazine and Quest Magazine.
Доктор Фауст / Doctor Faustus (1967)


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Доктор Фауст, используя свои глубокие познания в оккультизме, призывает в наш мир Мефистофеля, который обязуется служить ему в обмен на его душу.
Красная палатка (1969)


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Полное драматизма киноповествование об интернациональной арктической экспедиции под руководством Умберто Нобиле, о постигшей её катастрофе и спасении большинства участников советскими лётчиками и моряками ледокола `Красин`. Этот фильм о мужестве и...
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