Джордж Райан


Дата рождения:

George Homer Ryan, Sr. was the 39th Governor of the U.S. state of Illinois from 1999 until 2003. He was a member of the Republican Party. Ryan received national attention for his 1999 moratorium on executions in Illinois and for commuting more than 160 death sentences to life sentences in 2003. He was later convicted of federal corruption charges and spent more than five years in federal prison and seven months of home confinement. He was released from federal prison on July 3, 2013.
Сладкий яд / Pretty Poison (1968)


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Недавно вышедший из психиатрической больницы молодой человек Дэннис Питт встречает в городе Уинслоу необыкновенно привлекательную школьницу Сью Энн Тепаник и влюбляется в нее с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать внимание девушки и произвести на нее...

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