Джош Фокс

Josh Fox is an American film director, playwright and environmental activist, best known for his Oscar-nominated 2010 documentary, Gasland. He followed that up with the HBO production of Gasland Part II, which premiered on July 8, 2013 and was released on DVD on January 14, 2014. He is one of the most prominent public opponents of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. In 2017 he was awarded his third Environmental Media Association award for Best Documentary for his latest film How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can’t Change, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2016, toured the world theatrically and was released on HBO in June. He also is the founder and artistic director of a film and theater company in New York City called the International WOW Company.
Хаски / Der Husky Mann (2011)


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