Элиэль Суинтон


Дата рождения:

Eliel Swinton played running back Wendell Brown in the 1999 film Varsity Blues and is a former professional football player with the Kansas City Chiefs. He was nationally ranked as a high school football player at Montclair Prep and then played his college football at Stanford University. He signed on as an undrafted free agent to play with the Chiefs. His playing days were cut short by injury and he moved back to California to do production assistant work.
Студенческая команда / Varsity Blues (1999)


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Вот уже 35 лет опытный тренер Бад Килмер тренирует студенческую команду под названием «Койоты» из маленького городка в штате Техас. Килмер — требователен и суров, от своих подопечных он непреклонно требует победы, чего бы она ни стоила. Когда в...

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